-Define vocabulary and write an original showing sentence
-Practice collecting evidence
-Complete Ch. 1-3 Review worksheet by viewing and listening to the -Screencast and completing the backside of the worksheet using your TKAM novel.
*Honors students, sign up for Honors Historical Context Research project. Block 3, read over the yellow handout and look at the sample presentation on Google Classroom, please e-mail me with which topic/presentation you'd like to do. E-mail me with your top 3 choices, and I will try to give you one of those choices. Block 3 Honors: please visit the Google Classroom document entitled Capen Historical Context Research Project Sign-up this weekend to view which topic you were assigned.
-Turn in the Week 1 TKAM packet, staple the half sheet on top of your packet. Put your name on the half sheet. Do not fill out the half sheet
No homework, enjoy your 3-day weekend and see you on Tuesday
Honors-Begin thinking about the Honors Historical Context Research project, you may begin your project this weekend (your choice). Block 3:
please visit the Google Classroom document entitled Capen Historical Context Research Project Sign-up this weekend to view which topic you were assigned.