
Friday, April 29, 2016


--Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-Read, analyze, and annotate “The Cyclops” with a focus on the characteristics of a hero
-Identify  connections between “The Cyclops” and the values of the ancient Greeks and form an opinion about the significance of the story
-Describe a childhood memory using show-not-tell writing and sensory imagery by writing a paragraph

Bellwork Vocab: consent
Writing: Childhood memories
Finish reading Cyclops

Honors:  Read extra novel, first DJ entry due May 3rd

Thursday, April 28, 2016


-Read, analyze, and annotate “The Cyclops” with a focus on the characteristics of a hero
Examine multiple representations of a cyclops, write observations, and make predictions about Odysseus’ encounter with the cyclops
--Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-Describe a childhood memory using show-not-tell writing and sensory imagery by writing a paragraph

Bellwork Vocab: distress
Writing: Childhood memories
Complete Cyclops Pre-Reading Activity with Google Form
Begin Reading “The Cyclops”

Honors: Continue reading extra novel. First DJ due May 3rd

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


--Identify the elements of a narrative, analyze a prompt, and begin to map out student’s own hero’s journey (as it relates to their  life)
-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-Describe a childhood memory using show-not-tell writing and sensory imagery by writing a paragraph

Bellwork Vocab: formidable
Introduce Hero’s Journey Essay
Writing: Childhood memories via Google Classroom

Honors: Continue reading extra novel, first DJ entry due May 3rd.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


-Discuss the effects of the lotus on Odysseus’ mens’ ability to complete their goal
-Identify how the hero’s journey archetype is represented in the short story “The Chase” by Annie Dilliard

Bellwork Vocab: adversity
Watch clip of the Lotus Eaters from Percy Jackson and respond by crafting a blog post
Writing: Childhood memories
The Chase by Annie Dillard Dissect according to stages of hero’s journey

Honors:  Continue reading extra novel.  First DJ entry due May 3rd.

Monday, April 25, 2016


-Use "I Am Laertes' Son" as a mentor text and write a poem about where you come from.
-write a showing sentence about a new vocabulary word.

“I am Laertes’ son”

Read “The Lotus Eaters” and complete HW assignment worksheet

-Honors students get copy of extra novel by tomorrow

Friday, April 22, 2016


Predict what “Calypso the Sweet Nymph” will be about based on your observations of a painting.
Differentiate between different types of imagery in “Calypso” and record your classifications on the worksheet provided.
Synthesize parts of the story by answering two questions.
Revisit the first painting and Draw conclusions about what is really happening by writing a show-not-tell piece about the scene.

Practice: Show not tell writing
The Odyssey: “Calypso, the sweet nymph”  

HW:  Finish “Calypso" packet (if you didn't finish it in class today).
Honors: Begin reading your extra novel and visit Google Classroom to complete DJ entry #1

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Recall effective diction and practice analyzing diction and detail through text evidence from The Odyssey

show-not-tell writing practice
Honors-extra novel assignment
The Odyssey, part I "The Wanderings" & "Tell The Story"

HW: "Tell the Story" worksheet packet due tomorrow

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Practice how to write about a topic using imagery on a public blog post.

The Odyssey Appointment Clock set up
show-not-tell writing practice
Honors: Extra novel assignment

College Prep-None
Honors-Choose a novel by Friday

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Activate prior knowledge about Greek mythology through powerpoint
Take notes on elements of Hero’s Journey
Apply understanding of Hero’s Journey to a modern film or show via a writing assignment

Introduction to Odyssey - via PowerPoint
The Hero’s Journey: 12 Stages


Monday, April 18, 2016


Students will analyze literature based on the theme of conflicts.  They will differentiate types of conflict and argue in a clear and cohesive essay about their Lit Circle books selecting evidence to support their claim.

Lit Circle Timed Writing


Friday, April 15, 2016


- Construct well-written paraphrases as evidence that will support your thesis statement
-Synthesize information by writing a main thesis for literature circle timed writing.

-Lit Circle #5 & Final Book Review
-Prep for Lit Circle Timed Writing
-Finish filling in evidence collectors to be used with Timed writing

Bring the following items for Monday's Timed Writing:
-Blue or black ink pen
-Ear buds (if you'd like to listen to music while you write your essay)
-Your lit circle novel to turn in to the library

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Objectives:  Make observations regarding classmates Vlogs and practice commenting on blogs.
Identify the Lit Circle Timed Writing prompt and construct a Do/What chart responding to the prompt.  Critique sample Timed Writings with a rubric.

-View student created Vlogs and comment on classmates blogs
-Deconstruct Timed Writing prompt
-Read and examine sample timed writings

Finish reading lit circle novels by Friday
Timed Writing on Monday

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Verbally share claims and support regarding themes in their lit circle books.  Apply their understanding of their reading to  various selected themes making connections between events in their books and themes.

-Turn in Lit circle Theme worksheet
-Finish group Vlog, due at the end of the block TODAY
-Upload Vlogs to each individual blog
-Write an introduction to your Vlog

HW: Finish Reading book for Lit Circle #6 by Friday 4/15
Timed writing on lit circle novel is Monday 4/18

Monday, April 11, 2016


Demonstrate breadth of knowledge regarding your Lit circle novel by producing a group video blog.

Bell work blog post on Theme: Write a new post on your blog answering the following prompt- How can you connect or relate to one of the themes you identified within your literature circle novel? Remember, you should have written about themes that connect with all people, not just the characters of your novel.  So, how does one of the themes connect with you? Use specific examples from your own life to formulate a response. 100 words.

Work time on group Vlog, due Wednesday.

Finish lit circle novel by this Friday, timed writing next Monday.

Friday, April 8, 2016


Verbally share claims and support regarding themes in their lit circle books.  Apply their understanding of their reading to  various selected themes making connections between events in their books and themes.
Review paraphrasing by identifying components of paraphrasing
Modify ES’s from conflict worksheet into paraphrases

Introduction to Vlog project

HW: Read for Lit Circle #4 and complete Theme Worksheet

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday April 7, 2016

Objectives:  Compare three different sources related to one article and draw conclusions about the article based on whole class discussion

Continue Practice Paraphrasing

HW: Read for Lit Circle 3 conflict worksheet, due Friday 4/8

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wednesday April 6, 2016

Objectives:  Compare three different sources related to one article and draw conclusions about the article based on whole class discussion

Practice Paraphrasing

HW: Read for Lit Circle 3 conflict worksheet, due Friday 4/8

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday April 5, 2016

Collaborate on analyzing elements of their Lit Circle book. Using self created Discussion Questions, lit circle team members share and write responses to discussion questions applying  level 1, 2 and 3 Costas levels of thinking. .

Paraphrase Practice
Lit Circle #2 Lesson: Conflict

Lit Circle 3 Conflict worksheet due Friday

Monday, April 4, 2016


-Demonstrate mastery of vocabulary terms
- Identify Diction and Details in Atwood’s poem “Siren Song” that indicates the speaker’s perspective. Compare and contrast Odysseus’ perspective to the Siren’s perspective through a short writing assignment.

Vocab Quiz on Illuminate
“Siren Song” by Margaret Atwood 
Compare / Contrast Paragraph The Odyssey and "Siren Song"

Honors: Next two DJ entries due Tuesday, May 10th

Assignments for the week of April 13-April 17-Distance Learning

I sent the following message via google Classroom: Hello everyone!  I'm hoping all of you and your loved ones are doing well and stayi...