
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Narrative essay writing time

Objectives: Construct original Narrative essay following the steps of the Hero's journey

Agenda: Narrative essay writing time, finish typing the rough draft by the end of class

HW:  Read for lit circle #1 on Friday 12/1 discussion questions worksheet

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Narrative essay: Ordinary World

Continue writing Narrative essays, focusing on The Ordinary World

Write Ordinary World via Google Classroom
Narrative essay typing time

HW:  Read for lit circle #1 on Friday 12/1 discussion questions worksheet

Monday, November 27, 2017

Hero's Journey Narrative Essay

-Demonstrate understanding of the hero’s journey and the elements of a narrative by composing a narrative about own journey with a focus on dialogue
--Identify the elements of a narrative, analyze a prompt, and begin to map out student’s own hero’s journey (as it relates to their  life)


-Focus on one childhood memory and fill out the Essay Organizer, due at the end of class today, 20 points.


Read for lit circle #1 on Friday 12/1 discussion questions worksheet

Friday, November 17, 2017

O Brother, Where Art Thou, continued

Objectives:  Compare Homer's Odyssey to a film

College Prep students finish O Brother, Where Art Thou and fill out movie worksheet-
Honors students complete extra novel exam

Read literature circle novels over Thanksgiving break.  Meeting #1 Friday 12/1

Thursday, November 16, 2017

-Establish a reading schedule with Literature circle groups
-Compare Homer's The Odyssey to a film

College Prep students only: “O Brother, Where Art Thou” watch and fill out movie worksheet-

Read for lit circle #1 on Friday 12/1

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Odyssey Final Exam

Objectives:  Assess my knowledge of The Odyssey by completing the final exam

Agenda:  The Odyssey Final Exam

Homework:  Honors students print out and turn in DJ motif entries, due tomorrow

Monday, November 13, 2017

The Odyssey Vocab Exam

-Assess my knowledge of vocabulary by completing the final vocabulary exam for The Odyssey

-Turn in vocabulary packets
-Complete The Odyssey Vocab exam via Illuminate
-Odyssey test prep

ODYSSEY Final Exam tomorrow
Honors-print out DJ's and turn in by Wednesday

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Odyssey Test Study Guide

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.

The Odyssey Film clips

All: Study for Vocab Final on Monday 11/13. All 22 words!

Honors: Dialectical Journal entry #4 Monday, 11/13

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Death at the Palace

--Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-Describe a childhood memory using show-not-tell writing and sensory imagery by writing a paragraph
-Read, analyze, and annotate “The Cyclops” with a focus on the characteristics of a hero

Read Death at the Palace

Dialectical Journal entry #4 Monday, 11/13

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

"The Beggar and the Faithful Dog" and “The Test of the Great Bow”

--Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
--Practice Indirect Characterization with "The Beggar and the Faithful Dog"

The Beggar and the Faithful DogFocus on Indirect Characterization
Bellwork Vocab: contemptible and Vocab: restitution

-Honors dialectical Journal entries #3 due Wednesday 11/8
Finish The Test of the Great Bow worksheet due tomorrow

Monday, November 6, 2017

The Odyssey, Part II

--Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.

Bellwork Vocab: strategist and Vocab: disdainful
The Odyssey, Part Two: Coming Home

-Honors dialectical Journal entries 3 due Wednesday 11/8

Friday, November 3, 2017

Scylla and Charybdis

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-Discuss Point Of View through reading of Scylla and Charybdis

Bellwork Vocab: contrive and justification

Read Cattle of the Sun God
-Honors dialectical Journal entries #3 due Wednesday 11/8

Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Sirens

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-Practice visual literacy by analyzing art
-Recognize Point Of View in writing through the reading of Homer's The Odyssey

Bellwork Vocab: profusion and Vocab: incredulity

All: Finish The Sirens packet
Honors: Dialectical journal entry due #2 tomorrow

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Witch Circe and The Land of the Dead

Identify Mood in literature through diction

-Read the Witch Circe and “The Land of the Dead”

Honors DJ entry #2 due Friday

Assignments for the week of April 13-April 17-Distance Learning

I sent the following message via google Classroom: Hello everyone!  I'm hoping all of you and your loved ones are doing well and stayi...