
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Vocab Bellwork Show-Not-Tell and The Odyssey Film Clips

Utilize sensory imagery and vocabulary words to write a Show-Not-Tell story

Halloween Show-Not-Tell Bellwork
View Odyssey Film clips

-Honors:  second DJ entry due Monday, 11/5
-Have a safe and happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Dialogue and The Odyssey

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-Describe a childhood memory using show-not-tell writing and sensory imagery by writing a paragraph
Examine multiple representations of a cyclops, write observations, and make predictions about Odysseus’ encounter with the cyclops

-Turn in  Week 1 Odyssey Packet
-Introduction to dialogue with Google Classroom activity
-Read and annotate The Witch Circe and The Land of The Dead and complete The Land of the Dead

-Honors Second dialectical journal entry due Monday 11/5

Monday, October 29, 2018

Bellwork Vocab Story, "The Bucket List" and The Odyssey: "The Cyclops"

-Utilize new vocabulary to create an original show-not-tell story
-Identify direct versus indirect characterization of Odysseus in "The Cyclops"

-Bring out the vocabulary packet, and use at least two-three words from words 10-16 to complete an original story entitled "The Bucket List" Bellwork writing prompts
-On Google Classroom, complete the Cyclops Pre-Reading Activity. 
-Read “The Cyclops” and use 5 different colored highlighters to represent each trait for Odysseus. Annotate the entire story, making notes and highlighting characteristics that represent Odysseus.

All: Finish reading and annotating “The Cyclops” and the Cyclops worksheet to be collected in tomorrow’s week 1 Odyssey packet.

Honors:  Second dialectical journal entry due Wednesday 10/31

Friday, October 26, 2018

The Odyssey Vocab Quiz #1 and "The Lotus Eaters"

-Assess my knowledge of Vocabulary via an online test
-Practice annotating a text with "The Lotus Eaters"

-The Odyssey Vocab exam via Illuminate
-Show-Not-Tell "The room was empty" via Google Classroom.  Log into Google Classroom to complete a show-not-tell paragraph based on the sentence "The room was empty".  Remember to use sensory details.
-On your Odyssey reading packets: read and annotate (highlight and make notes)  onto “The Lotus Eaters”, then complete the hand out  “The Lotus Eaters” worksheet. Due at the end of class today, please turn the worksheet into the inbox.

All:  The Odyssey Packet #1 will be collected on Tuesday
Honors:  One dialectical journal entry due Monday 10/29

Thursday, October 25, 2018

“I am Laertes’ son”

-Use "I Am Laertes' Son" as a mentor text and write a poem about where you come from.

-Bellwork writing prompts "Living Conditions"
-Read and annotate “I am Laertes’ son” and complete the handout Where I’m From activity
as a rough draft, then rewrite your poem onto a blank white sheet of paper and add images to represent you, due at the end of class today.
-View Film clips from The Odyssey film

-Honors begin reading and identifying specific motifs for their novel.  One dialectical journal entry due Monday, 10/29
All-Study for Vocabulary test tomorrow

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

“Calypso, the sweet nymph”

-Predict what “Calypso the Sweet Nymph” will be about based on your observations of a painting.
-Differentiate between different types of imagery in “Calypso” and record your classifications on the worksheet provided.
-Synthesize parts of the story by answering two questions.
-Revisit the first painting and Draw conclusions about what is really happening by writing a shot-not-tell piece about the scene.

SKILL focus: IMAGERY in Calypso, the sweet nymph”  


Honors: First dialectical journal entry due Monday, 10/29

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

"Tell The Story"

-Recall effective diction and practice analyzing diction and detail through text evidence from The Odyssey
-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.

-Bellwork writing prompts "It Happened Again"
-Read “Tell the story” and complete "Tell the Story" worksheet

-Finish Tell the Story worksheet
-Honors Copy of extra book is due in class on Wednesday, 10/24 and Dialectical Journal entry #1 due 10/29

Monday, October 22, 2018

Intro to The Hero's Journey concept

-Take notes on elements of Hero’s Journey
-Apply understanding of Hero’s Journey to a modern film or show via a writing assignment
-Familiarize myself with new vocabulary by incorporating it into an original story

-Revisit Show-Not-Tell writing
-Bellwork writing prompts. Use two-three vocabulary words from words 1-9 on each Bellwork you complete, utilizing all 22 words by 11/9/18.
-Revisit The Odyssey powerpoint notes
-The Hero’s Journey: 12 Stages and introduction to The Hero's Journey
-Begin working on  The Hero’s Journey in film and literature worksheet
-Essay corrections for TKAM Essay Corrections

All: The Hero’s Journey in film and literature worksheet
ALL:  Finish TKAM essay corrections due ASAP

Honors: Copy of extra book is due in class on Wednesday, 10/24
Honors: Begin Dialectical Journal entry for Motif via Google Classroom

Friday, October 19, 2018

Intro to The Odyssey ppt. notes and Blog entry #1

-Familiarize myself with the basic concepts of Homer's The Odyssey by taking notes from a powerpoint presentation
-Construct an original showing paragraph to be published onto my writing blog

-View the above powerpoint and take notes on the Intro to The Odyssey powerpoint notes worksheet
-Show not tell writing/Blog post entry #1
-Extra time?  Finished with all your work?  For extra credit:  Illustrate your favorite Greek God or Goddess using details and color/shading.  Due Monday.

Honors: Copy of the extra book is due in class on Wednesday, 10/24
Honors: Begin tracking the Motif in your novel and begin working on the Dialectical Journal (found on Google Classroom)

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Writing Blog set up for The Odyssey unit

-Create a personal writing blog to be utilized throughout The Odyssey unit for creative writing purposes

-Finish TKAM Film
-Sign the student Blog reference sheet
-Follow directions on Google Classroom for Creating a Blog

Honors check out extra novel and bring to class by Wednesday 10/24

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

TKAM Essays due

-Upload TKAM essays to
-Turn in essay packets

-Upload TKAM essays to, Block 2: 18791714, key: block2.  Block 3:  18791760, key: block3
-Turn in essay packets:  Gold rubric, final draft of essay, checklist for TKAM essay worksheet, prompt/brainstorm/evidence collector, Essay Template, Peer edit worksheet
-Return TKAM novels to the library
-Finish TKAM Movie


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Peer edit essays

Reflect on essays by peer editing and revising

-Peer edit typed rough drafts
-Have two different peers read and edit your essays
-Revise your essays

-Revise essays, making them perfect.
-Print out a hard copy of the final draft of your essay to be turned in tomorrow along with the checklist for the essay, prompt, brainstorm/evidence collector, peer edit worksheet, and rubric.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Type essays on Google Classroom

Students will apply their knowledge of Chrome, Googledocs, and writing while typing up their rough drafts of their TKAM essays.

-Essay Template:  Due at the beginning of class today
-Begin typing essay onto Google Classroom

-Finish typing essays on Google Classroom
Honors:  Check out and bring your extra novel to class due by Wednesday 10/24

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Continue with essay writing

Students will apply their knowledge of Chrome, Googledocs, and writing while typing up their rough drafts of their TKAM essays.

-Write Intros and Conclusions onto the Essay Template
-Finish Essay Template (This is the written rough draft)
-Begin typing essay onto Google Classroom

None (unless you still need to complete your essay template)
Honors:  Check out and bring your extra novel to class due by Wednesday 10/24

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Finish CP: Evidence Collector Honors: Brainstorm and begin filling in the essay template

-Dissect writing prompt, identifying writing tasks in a “do/what” chart
-Generate possible text evidence to be used in essay via a brainstorming activity
-Select best evidence and develop appropriate analysis on teacher-provided evidence collector

-Finish CP: Evidence Collector and Honors:  Brainstorm 
-Fill out both body paragraphs on Essay Template
-Get the Essay checklist stamped


-ALL Finish filling in both body paragraphs onto the Essay Template

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

TKAM Essay introduction, Do/What Chart and Brainstorm

-Dissect writing prompt, identifying writing tasks in a “do/what” chart
-Generate possible text evidence to be used in essay via a brainstorming activity
-Select best evidence and develop appropriate analysis on teacher-provided evidence collector

-Honors go on Google classroom to read directions on the Supplemental novel
-Honors prompt
-Complete the Do/What Chart and begin the brainstorming process

Honors-Choose extra novel, check it out from the library and bring it to class by Wednesday, 10/24
Honors-Fill out the brainstorm for body paragraph #1 on brainstorm

CP-Fill out character #1 on the -CP evidence collector

Monday, October 8, 2018

TKAM Final Exam

-Demonstrate knowledge of TKAM story, characters, and plot via a multiple choice test

-Turn in TKAM study guide
-TKAM Final Exam via Illuminate


Friday, October 5, 2018

Socratic Seminar Discussion Quiz

-Discuss open-ended, teacher-created discussion questions in a Socratic Seminar, utilizing text evidence and academic discourse


-Turn in Socratic Seminar Entry Ticket
-Socratic Seminar Peer Review Sheet
-Socratic Seminar Discussion Quiz
-TKAM Study Guide

Finish TKAM Study Guide Due Monday 10/8
The TKAM Final Exam is on Monday 10/8

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Vocab Test and Prep for Friday's Socratic Seminar

-Demonstrate knowledge of TKAM vocabulary words through a multiple choice quiz

-Turn in Vocab packets
-TKAM Ch 15-30 Vocab Quiz on Illuminate
-Turn in Week 6 TKAM packet
-Powerpoint on Fish Bowl explanation
-Academic Phrases
-Socratic Seminar Entry Ticket


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Finish TKAM Novel

Analyze textual evidence and make connections to previous chapters in TKAM.
Make observations about characters based on textual evidence.

-Read Chapter 31 in class
-College Prep only TKAM Ch 29-31 on Google classroom
-Honors kids Revisit Significant Text Excerpts and add to the overall significance of the quote to the novel as a whole
-Begin Socratic Seminar Entry Ticket due Friday 10/5

Socratic Seminar Entry Ticket due Friday 10/5

Study last 6 vocabulary terms, vocab test tomorrow and the vocab packet is also due tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Analysis review and Ch. 29 TKAM

Students will analyze textual evidence in order to respond in writing to various critical thinking questions. Specifically, they will evaluate, compare and contrast and make predictions regarding the characters and themes relevant to the last chapters of TKAM.

-Chapter 27 and 28 Review
-Ch. 27 and 28 Analysis focus review on Google Classroom
-Read Ch. 29 in class

All: Read Ch. 30
All: Family income survey due tomorrow (15 point assignment)

H: work on Sig Text Excerpts 5 & 6 due tomorrow

Monday, October 1, 2018

Analysis Practice with Chapters 25 and 26 Review

-Define vocabulary and construct an original showing sentence utilizing the new terms
-Practice making a claim, writing contextual lead-ins, and providing analysis
-Prepare for the TKAM final by completing the TKAM study guide

-Vocabulary BELLWORK Vague
-Vocabulary BELLWORK Repertoire
-Chapter 25 & 26 Review
-Whole class reading of Ch. 27

All:  Read Ch. 28 TKAM and complete: TKAM HW Chapters 27 and 28
Honors: work on Significant Text Excerpt #5 due and 6 due Wednesday, 10/3
ALL: Complete the Family Income survey, yes, this is a 15 point assignment.

Assignments for the week of April 13-April 17-Distance Learning

I sent the following message via google Classroom: Hello everyone!  I'm hoping all of you and your loved ones are doing well and stayi...