
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

New article: No, Smartphones are Not Destroying a Generation

-Survey a text by identifying the author's background, reading the first and last paragraph, and making a prediction about what the article will be about.
-Identify and label claims in an article.
-Identify and label different types of evidence in the article.


Surveying the text No, Smartphones are Not Destroying a Generation
Student Version: No, Smartphones are Not Destroying a Generation
If there's time, begin collecting evidence on to the evidence collector worksheet

-College Prep-No homework (unless you're in block 2, see below)
-Honors only identify Claims and Types of evidence (Highlight organizations/people in green and highlight evidence in yellow) and the arguments (highlight in pink) in Honors article in yellow packet

-Block 2 only: See you at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. Bring earbuds or headphones. Leave your phones at home. Absolutely NO CELL PHONES ALLOWED in class tomorrow. Bring a book or magazine to read.

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