
Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday October 30, 2015

- Construct well-written paraphrases as evidence that will support your thesis statement
-Synthesize information by writing a main thesis for literature circle timed writing.

-Lit Circle #6
-Prep for Lit Circle Timed Writing
-Construct and organize well-written paraphrases to be utilized in the literature circle timed writing.
-Write Thesis for Timed Writing

-Prep for Timed writing on Tuesday November 3, 2015
-Bring the following: Blue or black ink pen, 4 sheets lined paper, whiteout.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday October 29, 2015

Identify parts of an essay prompt
Create a Do/What chart
Gather and construct original ES paraphrases

-Watch Vlogs
-Lit circle timed writing prompt
-Gather ES paraphrases for Lit circle prompt

-Finish lit circle books
-Timed writing on Tuesday November 3, 2015

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday October 28, 2015

-Collaborate and finish constructing an original Vlog on your lit circle novel

1.  Bellwork: Greetings Blog post CP: 150 words, H: 200 words
2. Finish Vlogs. Post to every group member's blog page.

Finish reading lit circle books by this Friday, timed writing is next Tuesday 11/3

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday October 27, 2015

Verbally share claims and support regarding themes in their lit circle books.  Apply their understanding of their reading to  various selected themes making connections between events in their books and themes.

Lit Circle #5
Continue to work on group project/Vlog, 50 points.  Due at the end of class Wednesday, October 28, 2015.
See Google Classroom for Vlog requirements

Finish reading lit circle novels by this Friday, October 30, 2015.
Timed essay will take place Tuesday, November 3, 2015.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday October 26, 2015

Objectives:  Explore and analyze what makes up a competent essay by calibrating as a class.

2. Essay Calibration
3. Vlogging scripts

1.  Theme worksheet due tomorrow
2.  Bring in any props needed to complete your Vlog

Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday October 23, 2015

Verbally share claims and support regarding themes in their lit circle books.  Apply their understanding of their reading to  various selected themes making connections between events in their books and themes.

Lit Circle #4

HW: Read for Lit Circle #5 and complete Theme Worksheet

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday October 22, 2015

Objectives:  Identify errors in TKAM essays and revise to pass competency

1.  Today's blog post: Bellwork: Teen Culture
2.  Revise TKAM essays/read lit circle novels
3.  Finish Empower3000 article, "Becoming American"

HW:Read for Lit Circle 4 conflict worksheet

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday October 21, 2015

Objectives:  Compare three different sources related to one article and draw conclusions about the article based on whole class discussion

Begin Empower article “Becoming American”
Read through the sources, have a whole class discussion about these sources
Complete the empower 3000 activities for “Becoming American”

Read for Lit Circle 4 
Conflict worksheet due Friday 10/23

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday October 20, 2015

Recall facts and details about assigned reading by producing a short reflection

Create a Level 2 or Level 3 discussion question for Lit Circle novel and discuss with group

Lit Circle #3

Lit Circle #3 Lesson: Conflict  


Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday October 19, 2015

Identify the requirements of successful paraphrasing. Practice constructing paraphrase ESs.

Bellwork: Teen Culture/Beach Bodies

Geog will introduce paraphrasing on Friday, review the top half with them and then practice paraphrase with TKAM (Kellie will be doing this on Mon

Teach inserting images and videos on the blog with citations- post on google classroom

Have students go back and add images to posts, or add citations where needed
Lit Circle Read Time

HW: Read for Lit Circle 3 and complete Discussion Questions

Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday October 16, 2015

Collaborate on analyzing elements of their Lit Circle book. Using self created Discussion Questions, lit circle team members share and write responses to discussion questions applying  level 1, 2 and 3 Costas levels of thinking. .

as their blog post for the day.
-Have group members comment on each other’s posts
-Lit Circle #2

Read for lit circle #3 and complete Lit Circle Discussion Qs HW

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday October 15, 2015

Draw conclusions about and respond to an article via EMPOWER3000

1. Empower 3000 article “Basketball Builds a Bridge”, complete all of the steps to complete and respond to this article except the highlighting portion.
2. Any remaining time in class may be spent designing your blog space, using the Blogging Criteria Directions
or read your lit circle book silently and work on tonight's homework.

Read for Lit Circle #2
Characterization worksheet due tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wednesday October 14, 2015

Compare and draw conclusions about Level 2 or Level 3 discussion question for lit circle novel and discuss with group

Lit Circle #1
Discussion #1
Go over tonight's homework

HW:  Read for Lit Circle #2

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday October 13, 2015

Create a Level 2 or Level 3 discussion question for Lit Circle novel and discuss with group

-Divide Up Reading and Calendar it out with Lit circle groups

-Set up reading schedule. The following is a list of the lit circle meetings.
#1: 10/14
#2: 10/16
#3: 10/20
#4: 10/23
#5: 10/27
#6: 10/30
Timed Writing: 10/2

-Go over Levels of Questions and assign Discussion Questions for homework Levels of Questions

-Reading Time

HW: Read for Lit Circle #1

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thursday October 8, 2015

Identify elements of Blog creation/writing
Construct an original Blog to be utilized throughout this unit

-Choose possible literature circle novel
-Sign Blog user agreement
-Create an original Blog to be utilized throughout the Literature circle unit

-If you haven't added Mrs. Capen as an author on your Blog, you need to add her.
-Finish creating your Blog

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday October 7, 2015

1.Turn in TKAM Essays today in the following order:
Filled out golden rubric
Final draft of TKAM essay
Pink or green packet
Peer edit worksheet

2. Turn in TKAM essay to

3. Complete "Bhutan Star" via Empower3000

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday October 6, 2015

To Kill A Mockingbird Final Essay due TOMORROW along with the Golden rubric (Mrs. Capen will give to you tomorrow), prompt/brainstorm/evidence collector packet, peer edit worksheet.

Peer edit essay with a partner
Make revisions to your essay/Make your essay perfect
Print out your essay

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday October 3, 2015


Students will apply their knowledge of Chrome, Googledocs, and writing while typing up their rough drafts of their TKAM essays.

-Notes on introduction and conclusion paragraphs
-Write/type an introduction and a conclusion paragraphs
-Finish typing TKAM essay rough draft

-College Prep: Your essay should have all four paragraphs written. (Intro, two body paragraphs, conclusion). To be peer edited tomorrow.
-Honors: Your essay should have all five paragraphs written. (Intro, three body paragraphs, conclusion). To be peer edited tomorrow.

-ALL: Final draft of essay due Wednesday October 7, 2015. Print out a hard copy to turn into Mrs. Capen. Late essays will not receive full credit.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday October 2, 2015


Students will apply their knowledge of Chrome, Googledocs, and writing while typing up their rough drafts of their TKAM essays.

-Continue to write TKAM essays in class
-Finish evidence collector worksheets (needs to be checked off by Mrs. Capen today)
-Type 2nd body paragraph via Chromebooks today

No homework this weekend! Enjoy.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday October 1, 2015

-Dissect writing prompt, identifying writing tasks in a “do/what” chart
-Generate possible text evidence to be used in essay via a brainstorming activity
-Select best evidence and develop appropriate analysis on teacher-provided evidence collector

-Gathering best evidence for Scout paragraph
-Begin creating Scout paragraph

ALL Finish the evidence collector for TKAM

Assignments for the week of April 13-April 17-Distance Learning

I sent the following message via google Classroom: Hello everyone!  I'm hoping all of you and your loved ones are doing well and stayi...