
Monday, December 19, 2016

Monday-Letter to incoming Freshman & Peer review lit circle

-Construct an original letter detailing the Humanities I course
-Provide feedback to peer blog posts

-Letter to incoming Freshman & Peer review lit circle

-Make sure lit circle books are returned

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday-Essay prep for tomorrow's timed writing

Objectives: Construct well-written paraphrases as evidence that will support your thesis statement
-Synthesize information by writing a main thesis for literature circle timed writing.

Prep for tomorrow's timed writing
Begin your third and final personal blog post #3 

Finish reading lit circle books
Finish filling in notes for essay prep

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wednesday-Prep for Friday's Timed Writing

-Identify the different types of conflict
-Discuss the various conflicts within Lit Circle novels
-Break down a prompt
-Take notes in preparation for the timed writing this Friday

-Conflict worksheet in lit circle groups
-Lit circle essay prompt

Finish lit circle book for Friday's timed writing

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tuesday-Lit Circle #3 & Tic-Tac-Toe

-Write and publish an online blog post utilizing new writing and blogging skills

-Make personal connections with students in the classroom by reading and commenting on their blog posts.

-15 minutes silent reading
-Lit Circle #3 with Discussion Questions in groups
-Tic-Tac-Toe Lit Blog Post #3

-Finish Tic-Tac-Toe Lit Blog Post #3
-Finish Lit Circle novels by Thursday. Lit circle timed writing is this Friday, 12/16/16
-Last day all late work accepted is tomorrow!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday-Personal Blog post #2

-Write and publish an online blog post utilizing new writing and blogging skills
-Make personal connections with students in the classroom by reading and commenting on their blog posts.

-15 minutes silent reading
-Personal Tic-Tac-Toe 2nd blog Post
-By the end of class today you should have BOTH the Literature Circle blog post #2 and Personal blog post #2 published.

-Finish reading lit circle books, timed writing has been moved to this Friday, 12/16

Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday-Literature Circle #2

  • Compare and draw conclusions about Level 2 or Level 3 discussion question for lit circle novel and discuss with group
  • Apply knowledge of the novel by writing a tic-tac-toe blog post and then comment on my group member's posts.

-15 minutes silent reading

-Blog post peer feedback 
-2nd Literature Circle Blog Post (Tic-Tac-Toe): Directions on Google Classroom


Read your literature circle book and complete the Discussion Questions - due Tues, 12/13
-Finish and publish your 2nd Literature Circle Tic-Tac-Toe Blog post

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday-Finish Lit Circle mini blog post project #1 and begin personal blog post #1

-Write and publish an online blog post utilizing new writing and blogging skills
-Make personal connections with students in the classroom by reading and commenting on their blog posts.

-15 minutes silent reading
-Finish Lit Circle mini blog post project #1
-Intro Personal Tic-Tac-Toe and write the first personal blog Post

-Setting worksheet due tomorrow for lit circle meeting #2

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday-Literature circle #1

-Discuss literature circle novels by asking and answering level two and level three questions.
-Complete a mini project via the literature circle Tic Tac Toe board via my personal blog

Lit Circle #1
Tic-Tac-Toe Lit Blog Post
Discussion Questions in groups

HW:  Read lit circle book and work on Setting worksheet due Friday for lit circle #2

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday-O Brother, Where Art Thou, continued

Objectives: Compare and contrast the film, O Brother, Where Art Thou, to The Odyssey's Hero's journey steps

Finish O Brother, Where Art Thou and worksheet
Read Lit Circle novel for remaining time, Discussion Questions

Read lit circle book and work on

Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday-O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Objectives:  Compare and contrast the film, O Brother, Where Art Thou? to homer's The Odyssey and the steps of the Hero's journey

-Turn in Narrative essays.  
-Oh Brother Where Art Thou and worksheet

-Read lit circle books and complete Discussion Questions due Wednesday 12/7

Friday, December 2, 2016

Friday-Honors extra novel test, CP-Formatting Narratives

-Write a one page response to two level three questions regarding your hero's journey honors novel.

Lit Circle Tic-Tac-Toe
CP Work on narrative, fixing all edits from peer edit to finalize
Discussion questions for HW for Lit Circle #1

Print out Final Narrative Essay-due Monday
Read lit circle book and work on Discussion Questions due Wednesday 12/7

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thursday-The Odyssey Final Exam via Illuminate

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-Apply concepts and skills learned during the study of The Odyssey to a final, summative assessment.

“The Odyssey” test

Honors final test study guide-Honors test for the extra novel is tomorrow
All-Read lit circle book. First meeting is Wednesday 12/7

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday-Set up lit circle reading schedule

-Demonstrate level of mastery of the Odyssey through test review

lit circle groups meet to divide page numbers for meetings.
#1: 12/6
#2: 12/9
#3: 12/13
#4: 12/16
Timed Writing: 12/19
Finishing watching the Odyssey Crash Course as a review

Read lit circle book

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday-Peer edit Narratives

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
- Critique peers’ narrative writing samples by utilizing the narrative rubric.

Peer Editing using the Peer Edit Worksheet and Narrative Rubric
Honors Extra novel test 2016-Honors students, utilize this worksheet and write notes to prepare for the timed writing this Friday, you may use this worksheet to guide you on Friday's timed writing.

HW:Odyssey Test Study Guide-due Thursday. Final exam is on Thursday

Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday-Self edit narratives

-Reflect on Narrative essays, looking for Mood, Imagery, and Dialogue
-Pitch lit circle books

-Lit circle book choices for lit circle #2

-Print out Narrative essays for peer edit tomorrow.
-Odyssey Test Study Guide due Thursday. Odyssey final is Thursday.
-Final Narratives due Monday 12/5
-Honors: Timed writing is this Friday.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday-Wrap up The Odyssey reading packet

-Interpret Homer’s purpose of several selections from the Odyssey by citing textual evidence

Read “The Test of the Great Bow” ,Death at the Palace”,Odysseus and Penelope


Honors: Finish reading your novel over the Thanksgiving break
All: Have a safe and fun Thanksgiving break!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thursday-The Beggar and the Faithful Dog

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-Demonstrate understanding of the hero’s journey and the elements of a narrative by composing a narrative about own journey with a focus on dialogue
-Cite diction and detail used to create mood in a short passage.
Cite text evidence from a story to show irony by writing two evidence sentences.
-Recall vocabulary word parts and assess my knowledge of these terms through an assessment.

Turn in Vocabulary packets
Illuminate “Odyssey Vocab Quiz 2 Final”  
“The Beggar and the Faithful Dog” via Google classroom. Focus on Indirect Characterization

Honors: Finish reading extra novel over Thanksgiving break

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday-The Odyssey Part II, Meeting of father and Son

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-Predict what will happen when  Odysseus and Telemachus meet by writing from their POV.
Cite evidence of mood, imagery & POV and draw conclusions about their effect & purpose.


All: Finish typing narrative essay rough drafts via Google classroom
All: Study for Vocab quiz tomorrow
Honors: Finish reading extra novels over Thanksgiving break

Monday, November 14, 2016

Monday-Narrative essay writing time

-Demonstrate mastery of vocabulary terms
-Construct original Hero's journey narrative focusing on The Ordinary World element

Bellwork Vocab: strategist
Start In Class “timed writing” have students write with a focus on a clear perspective

Honors: Write last two dialectical journal entries due tomorrow

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thursday-Scylla and Charybdis

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-Identify perspective and point of view in constructed S & C paragraphs.
Interpret Homer’s purpose of several selections from the Odyssey by citing textual evidence
Demonstrate understanding of the hero’s journey and the elements of a narrative by composing a narrative about own journey with a focus on clear perspective

Bellwork Vocab: contrive
Bellwork Vocab: justification
Blocks 2 & 3 Scylla and Charybdis
Block 4 Scylla and Charybdis Google form

HW:  Finish Scylla and Charybdis handout
Honors: last two DJ entries due Tuesday

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wednesday-The Siren Song

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
- Identify Diction and Details in Atwood’s poem “Siren Song” that indicates the speaker’s perspective. Compare and contrast Odysseus’ perspective to the Siren’s perspective through a short writing assignment.

Bellwork Vocab: profusion
Bellwork Vocab: incredulity

The Sirens comparision paragraph with Margaret Atwood's "Siren Song"

-Honors last two DJ entries due Tuesday 11/15

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tuesday-The Sirens

--Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-Identify diction and details that portray Odysseus’s experience with the Sirens.  
-Critically analyze visual texts through teacher-provided questions and respond in writing

Bellwork Vocab: foremost
Bellwork Vocab: supplication
The Sirens and The Sirens worksheet

HW: Sirens through Post Reading

Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday-Land of the Dead

-Demonstrate mastery of vocabulary terms through an on-line multiple choice test
-analyze diction to determine tone and mood in “the Land of the Dead”
-Utilize diction to retell a  story and establish  tone and mood

-Vocab Quiz on Illuminate Titled OdysseyVocabQuiz1
-Read Land of the dead
-Choose one Childhood memory to focus on and fill out Essay Organizer

Honors two more DJ entries due tomorrow

Friday, November 4, 2016


--Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-create a mini-dialogue that demonstrates understanding of the elements of dialogue and incorporates “show not tell writing”

-Bellwork Vocab: implacable
-Introduce dialogue with this worksheet
Post Read The Witch Circe worksheet that can be pushed out on Google Classroom and completed individually

-Study for Vocabulary test on Monday
-Two more DJ entries by Tuesday via Google Classroom

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wednesday-San Diego Youth Services guest speakers

San Diego Youth Services guest speakers

All-Finish reading "The Cyclops" and complete the accompanying worksheet due tomorrow
Honors-DJ entries 2 & 3 due next Tuesday via Google classroom.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday-The Cyclops

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-Read, analyze, and annotate “The Cyclops” with a focus on the characteristics of a hero
Examine multiple representations of a cyclops, write observations, and make predictions about Odysseus’ encounter with the cyclops

Begin Reading “The Cyclops”

Honors: Motif DJ entries 2 & 3 due next Tuesday, November 8th

Assignments for the week of April 13-April 17-Distance Learning

I sent the following message via google Classroom: Hello everyone!  I'm hoping all of you and your loved ones are doing well and stayi...