
Friday, April 10, 2020

Assignments for the week of April 13-April 17-Distance Learning

I sent the following message via google Classroom:

Hello everyone!  I'm hoping all of you and your loved ones are doing well and staying healthy.  As you are aware, online school begins on Monday, April 13th, we are referring to this as Distance Learning.  Please read over the attached and expect to log onto Google Classroom for your assignments on Monday.  I also sent an invitation to you all to join me for weekly online meetings (this is optional).  In the meantime, please review the attached document and e-mail me if you have any questions at  Enjoy the remainder of your Spring Break! 

Info and assignments for week 1: 4/13-4/17

Monday, March 23, 2020

Suggested Learning Calendar 3/23-3/27

Hello parents and students, please check out Google Classroom where I have uploaded enrichment activities for this week.  These activities will help prepare you for the unit we will begin on April 13, 2020.  Complete each assignment at your own pace, I will be checking them throughout this week.  Remember that if you have any questions to please e-mail me directly.  I hope you are all well and healthy.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Enrichment Activity via Google Classroom

Hello there, Capen's Cougars!  I'm hoping you and your families are staying healthy.  If you are looking for an enrichment activity to keep your mind engaged in learning, please check out Google Classroom. 

The Rancho San Diego Library is remaining open for people to check out books and other necessary materials.  Also, if you have a library card, you can check out e-books via the Libby app.

Honors students, I also pushed out the Honors extra novel activity so you can get a jump start on it (also on Google Classroom).

Remember, if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at

Friday, March 13, 2020

Socratic Seminar Exam

Assess knowledge of TKAM via a student-led discussion assessment

TKAM Socratic Seminar Entry Ticket
Partners for Socratic Seminar
Socratic Seminar Guidelines
Peer Review Sheet

ALL: TKAM Study Guide-due Tuesday 3/16 
TKAM Final Exam is on Tuesday 3/16

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Vocab test and prep for Socratic Seminar

Assess my knowledge of vocabulary by taking an online test
Prepare for tomorrow's Socratic Seminar discussion tomorrow

Block 2, please take this Survey
-Historical Context Presentations-Notes to be collected with the TKAM week 6 packet next week.
-Last TKAM vocab test on Illuminate
-Complete the Socratic Seminar Entry Ticket due today, please turn it in to the
inbox today. 
-If you have extra time, work on the  TKAM Study Guide which is due Tuesday 3/17

ALL: TKAM Study Guide-due Tuesday 3/17  

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

TKAM Ch. 31

Analyze textual evidence and make connections to previous chapters in TKAM.
Make observations about characters based on textual evidence.

Block 2, please take this survey Technology Survey

-Read Chapter 31 in class
-CP only TKAM Ch 29-31 Review
-Honors kids revisit and finish Significant text excerpts, answer that last question: How does this quote contribute to the meaning of the novel as a whole?
-Work on  TKAM Study Guide 

All: Study for vocab test tomorrow!
Socratic Seminar on Friday
All:  TKAM Study Guide due Tuesday 3/17. TKAM Final exam is on Tuesday 3/17

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Monday, March 9, 2020

Ch. 25 & 26 Review

-Analyze text to write a claim, evidence sentence, and analysis

BELLWORK Repertoire 
Ch. 25 & 26 Analysis focus review
Read Ch. 27 & 28
Go over TKAM HW Chapters 27 and 28 


All: TKAM HW Chapters 27 and 28 
Honors work on Significant Text Excerpts
ALL: Final Vocab exam this Thursday

Friday, March 6, 2020

Socratic Seminar for Trial Chapters

-Participate in a Socratic Seminar by answering and discussing questions

-Historical Context Presentations
-Socratic Seminar Ch. 17-21
-Mini Socratic Seminar Directions

The week 5 packet will be collected on Monday!

ALL: Read Ch. 25 & 26, no written homework

Honors work on Significant Text Excerpts

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Irony and Socratic Seminar Prep

-Introduce the 3 different types of irony and find examples of each type in TKAM.
-Prepare for a whole class discussion tomorrow

-Login to Google Classroom to access Google slide presentation on irony

-Take notes on the handout notes on Irony worksheet and complete the backside. 
This worksheet will be collected tomorrow as part of the week 5 packet, you don’t
need to get it stamped.

-Watch each of the 3 videos below to reinforce your understanding of Irony.

-Complete the Socratic Seminar Ch. 17-21 worksheet.  This activity is due TODAY!  Please turn it into the basket before you leave class.

-Read chapter 23 silently

ALL:  Read TKAM Ch. 23 & 24, no written homework
-Honors work on Significant Text Excerpts

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Atticus's Closing Statement

-Record evidence from the Tom Robinson trial and identify discrepancies 


-Tom Robinson's Testimony on Testimony Tracker Ch 17-19
-Review Atticus’s closing statement with a close read Atticus Closing Statement
-Quaker Reading directions
-Begin reading chapter 21 in class

ALL-Read Chapter 22, no written homework
Honors- Significant text excerpt #3 due Friday

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Ch. 19 TKAM

-Record evidence from the Tom Robinson trial and identify discrepancies 


-Historical Context Presentation
-Mayella Ewell’s testimony on the Testimony Tracker Ch 17-19
-Read Chapter 19
-Ch 19 & 20 Making a Claim

-All: Read ch. 20 and complete ch. 20 claim
-Honors:  Significant Text Excerpt 2 due tomorrow

Monday, March 2, 2020

The trial-A review of Heck Tate and Bob Ewell's Testimonies

-Record evidence from the Tom Robinson trial and identify discrepancies
-Identify and make connections between characters TKAM by completing the courtroom picture.
-Identify the varying social classes in Maycomb by drawing a pyramid representing its citizens.

Honors Significant text excerpt #1 due
-Courtroom Picture and Social Class Pyramid 
-Fill out Bob Ewell’s testimony on the Testimony Tracker Ch 17-19
-Ch. 17 Review: Revisit pages 227-229 and pull out 3 pieces of text evidence to show how the Ewell family lives. Then, make an illustration to reflect the 3 pieces of text evidence.
-Begin reading Ch. 18 TKAM

-ALL: Read Ch 18, no written homework tonight

Friday, February 28, 2020

Minor Characters in TKAM & History lesson

-Practice making a claim
-Revisit minor characters in TKAM
-Learn a brief history lesson

-Turn in the Week 4 TKAM Packet
-Ch. 11-16 partner discussion
-Minor Characters in TKAM & History lesson -This goes into the week 5 TKAM packet
Link to the lesson above
-Begin reading Ch. 17 TKAM

ALL: Read Ch 17 and complete ONLY Heck Tate’s Testimony portion of the Testimony Tracker Ch 17-19

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Ch. 15 review & Honors Significant text Excerpts

-Draw conclusions and make inferences about events and characters in TKAM by answering questions about
chapter 14
-Demonstrate understanding of vocabulary words from TKAM via a quiz.


-College Prep only Ch. 15 Review on Google Classroom
-Honors only Intro Significant Text Excerpts Assignment on Google Classroom

All: Read Ch. 16. No written HW for Ch. 16
Honors-complete significant text excerpt #1 DUE Monday 3/2

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Ch. 14 Review and TKAM Vocab Test II

-Draw conclusions and make inferences about events and characters in TKAM by answering
questions about chapter 14

-Ch 14 Review  
-Turn in TKAM vocab packet and take TKAM Vocab Test II
-Begin reading Ch. 15 

ALL: Read Ch. 15 and complete the Chapter 15 HW 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Ch 12 & 13 Writing Practice

Define vocabulary and construct and original showing sentence

-Block 2 only, please click on the link to complete the survey between 9:00-10:00 today.
-Historical Context Presentations: Southern Woman and Gender Roles and Jim Crow Laws
-Ch. 13 Review
-Begin reading Ch. 14 

1. ALL: Read chapter 14 and complete Ch. 14 HW
2. ALL: Study Vocab words for vocabulary test tomorrow

Monday, February 24, 2020

Ch. 11 Review

--Identify and infer the meaning of a significant text excerpt from TKAM
-Draw conclusions and make inferences about events and characters in TKAM by answering questions about chapter 11 

Historica Context Presentation: Morphine
Ch 11 Review 
Begin Reading Chapter 12

1) ALL: Read Chapters 12 and 13 

Friday, February 21, 2020

TKAM Ch. 1-9 Test

Assess my knowledge of TKAM by taking the Ch. 1-9 test

-TKAM Ch. 1-9 Test on Illuminate
-Significant Text Excerpt: Title of the novel
-Turn in TKAM Week 3 Packet
-Begin reading Ch. 11

-ALL: Read Ch. 11

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Prep for the Ch. 1-9 TKAM test

-Takes notes on a historical presentation
-Define vocabulary and construct an original showing sentence
-Review Ch. 1-9 TKAM

-Historical Context Presentation: Gossip in a Small Town-Take notes
-Chapter 1-9 Review to prep for tomorrow's Ch. 1-9 Test

ALL: Read Ch. 10.  and complete 5 different types of annotation on the Ch 10 Annotation HW 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Evidence Sentence review

-Construct an original showing sentence using a new vocabulary term
-Review components of an Evidence Sentence and construct an original ES

-ES Kahoot Review round 2
-Whole class review on Evidence Sentence
-ES check on Google Classroom
-Begin reading Ch. 9

All: Read Ch 9
All: Complete Ch. 9 HW slip

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Ch. 7 Quiz and Tone & Mood

Objectives for the Board:
-Draw conclusions and make inferences about events and characters in TKAM by answering questions about chapters 6 and 7.
-Analyze passages for tone and mood through the identification and interpretation of specific words and phrases.

-BELLWORK Aberration
Ch. 6 & 7 Review
-Ch. 7 TKAM quiz on Illuminate
-Tone & Mood in TKAM
-Begin reading chapter 8

Read Ch. 8 only, no written HW 

Friday, February 14, 2020

Vocab Quiz and Annotation

Assess knowledge of Vocabulary terms via an online quiz
Practice writing Evidence Setneces
Familiarize myself with rules on annotation


-TKAM Week 2 Packet
-Turn in TKAM vocab packets
-TKAM Vocab Ch. 1-3 Vocab Quiz on Illuminate
-ES Instruction Wrkst-Finish the last two Evidence Sentences in this packet
-Read aloud Ch. 7 TKAM

ALL: Read chapter 7
ALL: Complete the TKAM Ch. 7 Annotation HW
ALL:  There is a Ch. 7 Quiz on Tuesday

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Miss Maudie paragraph writing practice

Define vocabulary and construct an original showing sentence
Practice new rules for Evidence Sentences
Practice making inferences

Vocabulary BELLWORKMalignant
Historical Context Presentation Notes
Evidence Sentence Check 
Miss Maudie paragraph practice on Google Classroom

ALL: Read Ch. 6 

ALL: Complete the Ch. 6 TKAM HW
ALL:  Study for the vocab test tomorrow

Assignments for the week of April 13-April 17-Distance Learning

I sent the following message via google Classroom: Hello everyone!  I'm hoping all of you and your loved ones are doing well and stayi...