
Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday-Show-not-tell writing for Scary moment

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
--Identify the elements of a narrative, analyze a prompt, and begin to map out student’s own hero’s journey (as it relates to their  life)
-Describe a childhood memory using show-not-tell writing and sensory imagery by writing a paragraph

Writing: Childhood memories Scary moment

Honors: One dialectical journal entry due tomorrow

Friday, October 28, 2016

Friday-The Chase

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-Discuss the effects of the lotus on Odysseus’ men's’ ability to complete their goal
-Identify how the hero’s journey archetype is represented in the short story “The Chase” by Annie Dilliard

Turn in week 1 Odyssey work packets
The Chase by Annie Dillard Dissect according to stages of hero’s journey
Writing: Childhood memories via Google classroom

Honors read extra novel and explore Motif, write Motif DJ #1 due Tuesday 11/1

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Thursday-I Am Laertes Son & The Lotus Eaters

-Use "I Am Laertes' Son" as a mentor text and write a poem about where you come from.

The Odyssey: “I am Laertes’ son” and "The Lotus Eaters"

All: Finish “The Lotus Eaters
Honors students: get copy of extra novel by tomorrow and bring to class to show Mrs. Capen

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday-Calypso, the sweet Nymph

-Predict what “Calypso the Sweet Nymph” will be about based on your observations of a painting.
-Differentiate between different types of imagery in “Calypso” and record your classifications on the worksheet provided.
-Synthesize parts of the story by answering two questions.
-Revisit the first painting and Draw conclusions about what is really happening by writing a shot-not-tell piece about the scene.


HW:  Finish “Calypso

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday-Tell The Story

-Practice how to write about a topic using imagery on a public blog post.
-Recall effective diction and practice analyzing diction and detail through text evidence from The Odyssey

Part One: The Wanderings
“Tell the story”

HW: Finish Tell the Story

Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday-Introduction to The Odyssey power point and notes

Activate prior knowledge about Greek mythology through powerpoint

The Odyssey Appointment Clocks set-up


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thursday-Lit Circle Timed Essay

Students will analyze literature based on the theme of conflicts.  They will differentiate types of conflict and argue in a clear and cohesive essay about their Lit Circle books selecting evidence to support their claim.

-Lit Circle Timed Writing

-Turn in lit circle novels to Mrs. Capen (if you borrowed one of hers) or the school library

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wednesday-Prep for lit circle timed writing

- Construct well-written paraphrases as evidence that will support your thesis statement

-Synthesize information by writing a main thesis for literature circle timed writing.

-Collect evidence to prepare for the timed writing tomorrow

-Prepare for timed writing tomorrow, finish the salmon colored ES collector, finish paraphrased ES and write your analysis.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Monday-Lit Circle Book Review & Essay prompt breakdown

- Construct well-written paraphrases as evidence that will support your thesis statement
-Synthesize information by writing a main thesis for literature circle timed writing.
-Diagram a teacher-created sample, identifying the parts of the essay

-Lit Circle Timed Writing prompt and sample

-Finish reading lit circle novel TONIGHT.  Timed writing essay for lit circle novel this Thursday 10/20

Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday-Vlog viewing, wrap up of quarter one


Demonstrate breadth of knowledge regarding your Lit circle novel by producing a group video blog.

-Presentation of Vlogs
-Grade reflection via Google classroom

-Finish reading lit circle novels by Tuesday 10/18.  Timed writing is Thursday 10/20

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thursday-Lit circle #4 Edit Vlogs and upload to blog pages

Collaborate with group members to construct a book review Vlog
Write an introduction to the Vlog and post onto blog pages

-Work on and edit Vlogs for one hour, adding captions, voice over, music, etc.
-Write the Introduction to Vlog directions
-Publish Vlog on each group member's blog, must be posted by 8:00 pm tonight

-Continue to read lit circle novel, must finish reading novel by Tuesday 10/18

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wednesday-Continue to work on Vlog project-due Friday

Construct an original Vlog with group mates about lit circle novel

Work on Creating a Vlog

Read for Lit Circle #4 and complete Vlogs, due Friday
Timed writing for lit circle novel is next Thursday 10/20

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday-Lit circle # 2 and Continue to work on Vlogs due Friday

Objectives: Verbally share claims and support regarding themes in their lit circle books.  Apply their understanding of their reading to  various selected themes making connections between events in their books and themes.

Any remaining time work on Vlogs due on Friday

Read for Lit Circle #4
Vlog group project-due Friday 10/14

Monday, October 10, 2016

Monday-Introduction to Vlogging project due this Friday 10/14

Verbally share claims and support regarding themes in their lit circle books.  Apply their understanding of their reading to  various selected themes making connections between events in their books and themes.
Review paraphrasing by identifying components of paraphrasing
Modify ES’s from conflict worksheet into paraphrases

-Paraphrase practice
-Introduce vlog requirements and Creating a Vlog to be completed via google classroom

-Read for Lit Circle 3 tomorrow
-Lit Circle 3 Conflict worksheet due tomorrow
-bring any props you need to work on the Vlog tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday

Friday, October 7, 2016

Friday-Lit Circle #2 Conflict

-Collaborate on analyzing elements of their Lit Circle book. -Using self created Discussion Questions, lit circle team members share and write responses to discussion questions applying  level 1, 2 and 3 Costas levels of thinking. .

Paraphrase practice in groups
Lit Circle #2 Lesson: Conflict

Lit Circle 3 Conflict worksheet
Honors students-Get your parent's signature on the level change form, turn in ASAP.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wednesday-Paraphrasing and revising TKAM essays


Identify the requirements of successful paraphrasing. Practice constructing paraphrase ESs.
Revise TKAM essays to meet competency

-TKAM essays will be returned, students that need to revise will work with Mrs. Capen. Students that do not need to revise will work on Choosing a Favicon and About My Blog Section
-Lit Circle reading time, complete Characterization worksheet

Read lit circle books and complete Characterization worksheet due Friday

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tuesday-Lit Circle #1

Compare and draw conclusions about Level 2 or Level 3 discussion question for lit circle novel and discuss with group

-Google Classroom:-Go over Anatomy of a post
-BELLWORK: Lit Circle #1
- Google Classroom: Commenting

HW:  Read for Lit Circle #2

Monday, October 3, 2016

Monday-Blog set-up for Literature Circles

-Students will be introduced to the concept of blogging within the classroom.
-Sign a digital contract

-Finish 42
-Introduce Blogging
-Student Blog Reference Sheet & have students sign digitally
-Creating a Blog today is the only day to work on and set up your blog, so use your time wisely
-Read lit circle book silently

Read lit circle novel and finish the  Discussion Questions Lit circle HW due tomorrow

Assignments for the week of April 13-April 17-Distance Learning

I sent the following message via google Classroom: Hello everyone!  I'm hoping all of you and your loved ones are doing well and stayi...