
Monday, April 30, 2018

Odyssey vocab exam

-Demonstrate mastery of vocabulary terms through an on-line multiple choice test


-Vocab exam via Illuminate
-Question practice:  The Odyssey
-Quizizz review for Odyssey Final exam

Friday, April 27, 2018

Prep for Tuesday's The Odyssey Final Exam

-Utilize new vocab for creative writing
-Prepare for The Odyssey Final by completing the study guide

-Bellwork: Death at the Palace
-Turn in Bellwork packets
-Odyssey Test Study Guide
-Makeup vocab tests for absent students

-Study for Vocab Final on Monday, 4/30. All 22 words!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Death at the Palace and Odysseus and Penelope

-Utilize new vocabulary to write creatively
-Annotate a story

-Whole class reading and annotation “Death at the Palace
-On your own reading and annotation“Odysseus and Penelope
-Turn in week 3 Odyssey packet with the following items: Scylla and Charybdis, The Meeting of Father and Son", and Part two: Coming Home reading packet.
-View remaining film clips for the Odyssey

Honors DJ Motif entry #4 due tomorrow. Finish reading the extra novel by next Thursday, the final written exam is next Friday, May 4th

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Test of the Great Bow

Utilize new vocabulary to write creatively

Read and annotate The Test of the Great Bow
Bellwork: The Test of the Great Bow

Honors: DJ Motif entry #4 due Friday. Finish your extra novel by next Thursday.
The extra novel written exam is on Friday, May 4th.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Meeting of Father and Son

-Utilize new vocabulary in a creative writing via Bellwork
-Focus on sensory imagery for the reading of The Meeting of Father and Son

Bellwork:  Reunion
Part Two: Coming Home The Meeting of Father and Son
Read and annotate "The Beggar and the faithful Dog"

-Honors dialectical Journal entry #3 due Wednesday 4/25

Monday, April 23, 2018

Scylla and Charybdis AND Cattle of the Sun God

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.

Read Scylla and Charybdis and complete Scylla and Charybdis
Scylla and Charybdis Images to support the worksheet
Read and annotate “The Cattle of the Sun God”

All: Read and annotate “The Cattle of the Sun God”: Reading packet #1 due tomorrow

Honors dialectical Journal entry #3 due Wednesday 4/25

Friday, April 20, 2018

The Sirens

-Compare/contrast two texts on the same subject

The Odyssey in film clips

Honors DJ Motif entry #3 due on Wednesday 4/25

Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Land of the Dead

-Define a new vocabulary word, and develop an example, non-example, draw a picture and develop a showing sentence using the vocabulary word.
-analyze diction to determine tone and mood in “the Land of the Dead”
-Utilize diction to retell a  story and establish tone and mood


Honors: second dialectical journal entry due tomorrow

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Witch Circe and Dialogue

-Annotate The Witch Circe
-Learn rules for dialogue
-Create an original dialogue with group members

-Annotate The Witch Circe
-Create an original dialogue with group members using The Witch Circe Dialogue practice instructions

Honors:  DJ Motif entry #2 due Friday, 4/20/2018

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Assess my knowledge of vocabulary terms via an online vocabulary quiz
Utilize new vocabulary to create an original story
Explore characterization through the reading of The Cyclops

Week 1 Vocab Quiz, words 1-9 via illuminate
Bellwork: The Cyclops
Read and annotate "The Cyclops"

All:  Finish reading and annotating "The Cyclops" and The Cyclops worksheet

HONORS:  First Motif DJ entry due tomorrow

Monday, April 16, 2018

Bellwork Blog #1: Imagery and "I Am Laertes' Son"

-Revise a Bellwork as a blog post, practicing imagery
-Practice Commenting on blogs
-Familiarize myself with Odysseus by reading  "I Am Laertes' Son"

Bellwork Blogging #1, Focus on Imagery and Commenting

“I am Laertes’ son”

Read “The Lotus Eaters” and complete HW assignment
H First dialectical journal entry due Wednesday 4/18
-Study for Vocabulary test tomorrow

Friday, April 13, 2018

"Calypso, the sweet Nymph"

Objectives and agenda:
-Predict what “Calypso the Sweet Nymph” will be about based on your observations of a painting.
Calypso Image
-Differentiate between different types of imagery in “Calypso” and record your classifications on the Calypso” worksheet provided.
-Synthesize parts of the story by answering two questions.
-Revisit the first painting and Draw conclusions about what is really happening by writing a shot-not-tell piece about the scene.
-Turn in Week 1 Odyssey Packet

-Honors students get a copy of the extra novel by Monday 4/16 and begin reading your novel

Thursday, April 12, 2018

“Tell the story”

-Recall effective diction and practice analyzing diction and detail through text evidence from The Odyssey
-Utilize new vocabulary to practice creative writing

Turn in Hero’s Journey in Film & Literature
Part One: The Wanderings “Tell the story”

All: Finish Tell the Story
-Honors students get a copy of extra novel by Monday 4/16 and begin reading your novel

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Hero's Journey

-Apply understanding of Hero’s Journey to a modern film or show via a writing assignment
-Practice Creative Writing with new vocabulary terms


Bellwork writing prompts
Bellwork Vocabulary Writing
Pass out “The Hero’s Journey: 12 Stages. and go over steps
Watch:  TED Talk on Hero’s Journey
Assign  The Hero’s Journey in film and literature worksheet

-Honors students get copy of extra novel by Monday 4/16 and begin reading your novel

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Intro to vocab and The Odyssey

Activate prior knowledge about Greek mythology through powerpoint
Practice creative writing using new vocabulary terms


Bellwork writing prompts
Bellwork Vocabulary Writing
notes Intro to Odyssey PPT

CP: None
Honors: Choose extra novel and bring it to class next Monday

Monday, April 9, 2018

Create a writing blog

Create a personal blog for creative writing use during The Odyssey Unit

Honors: Supplemental Novel Assignment

Honors: Choose and checkout your supplemental novel, due this Friday

Assignments for the week of April 13-April 17-Distance Learning

I sent the following message via google Classroom: Hello everyone!  I'm hoping all of you and your loved ones are doing well and stayi...