
Friday, August 30, 2019

The Help

Introduce the next unit by watching a related film

Turn in Smartphone essays to both and a physical copy of the final draft along with the pink rubric, Brainstorm worksheet, and Essay Template worksheet packet.  Please allow Mrs. Capen one week to return the essay, she has multiple classes and essays to grade.  Thank you.

*Make sure your essay is uploaded to, if it is not, I cannot input your final essay grade onto Illuminate.
Enjoy your 3-day weekend!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Peer Edit Smartphone Essays and create a account

Peer edit essays
Revise essays

Directions to register for turnitin
Peer Edit: via Google Classroom-Peer edit worksheet due today, turn it in via Google Classroom
Make revisions to essays, making sure your final draft is perfect.

2. Upload the final draft of your essay to

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Type Essay Rough Drafts

Type essay via Google Classroom

-Type your essay via Google Classroom

Finish typing your essay

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Introduction and Conclusion notes and essay writing time

-Respond to a prompt by writing an essay

Intros and Conclusions notes
Write intro and conclusion onto the Essay Template
Write body paragraphs onto the Essay Template

ALL: Finish filling in the Essay Template-The entire template needs to be filled out tonight!
Think ahead:  If you don't have a printer at home, please talk to your classmates and/or your parents, cousins, grandparents, etc. to see if anyone can print out your final draft of your essay for you on Thursday evening, the final draft of your essay will be collected this Friday at the beginning of class.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Essay writing time: Write Main Claim and Sub Claims, Intro and Conclusion notes

-Gain a deeper understanding of claims and sub-claims 
-Respond to a prompt by constructing a main claim

-Vote on Essay Diagrams
-Kahoot parts of a paragraph review
-Writing Academy - Main Claim and Sub-Claims for Non-Fiction Articles-F19
-If there's time: Begin writing onto the rough draft for the essay with the Essay Template

All:  Fill in Main Claim and Sub Claims ONLY onto the Essay Template.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Writing a Paragraph notes

-Learn the components of a paragraph


Begin working on essay diagrams

HW: Finish essay diagrams-Due Monday

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Analysis, continued

-Continue practicing analysis

Intro to Inference
-Continue with Writing Academy - Analysis for Non Fiction Articles-F19
-Analysis Practice via Google Classroom

ALL:  Finish Analysis Practice on Google Classroom.  If you don't have computer access at home, see Mrs. Capen and she will provide a paper copy for you to finish this activity

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Evidence Sentence practice and Introduction to Analysis notes

-Familiarize myself with the components of a paragraph, specifically Analysis

Honors: Turn in yellow packets
-Finish the ES Review

ALL:  None

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Evidence Sentence Practice

-Practice writing Evidence Sentences

-ES Kahoot review
-Evidence Sentence Practice via Google Classroom Evidence Sentences, practicing contextual lead-ins
-ES Review

CP:  None
Honors:  complete Section IV of Twenge article in the yellow packet.  The yellow packet will be collected tomorrow at the beginning of class

Monday, August 19, 2019

Evidence Collector for both articles and Evidence Sentence notes

-Collect evidence from both articles in preparation for the essay
-Familiarize myself with the components of an Evidence Sentence

-Students work on Evidence Collector
-Turn in blue packets


ALL: Finish filling in the Evidence Collector in the blue packet

Twenge Article, read and annotate section III (paragraphs 20-28 ).  Identify Claims and Evidence types for
section III only. Honors: Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? 

Friday, August 16, 2019

Finish article, "How Smartphones Revolutionized Society in Less than a Decade

-Identify and label claims in section  2 of an article.
-Identify and label different types of evidence in section 2 of the article.

-Revisit the first article to make sure all evidence is highlighted
-Read Second Half of article Paragraphs 20-34, Annotate, Identify claims and evidence 
- Begin filling out the Evidence Collector for both articles

CP: No Homework

Honors only: 
In the yellow Honors packet, Twenge Article, read and annotate section II (paragraphs 11-19) and
identify Claims and Evidence types for section II only.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Article #2 How Smartphones Revolutionized A Society In Less Than A Decade

-Write sentences for vocabulary words for the 2nd article
-Survey the text for the second article
-Identify and label different types of evidence the second article

Review Evidence Types from article 1
Surveying the text How Smartphones Revolutionized A Society In Less Than A Decade 
Read and identify Claims, evidence types on the second article, section I only paragraphs (1-19)

-Finish Reading and identifying Claims, evidence types on the second article:
How Smartphones Revolutionized A Society In Less Than A Decade Complete Section I only (paragraphs 1-19)

-Tell parents to attend Curriculum Night

-Finish Vocabulary for article #2, Synonym section is extra credit

Honors: Begin reading Twenge Article, read and annotate section I (paragraphs 1-10).  Annotate, Identify Claims and Evidence types for section I only Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Evidence Types

Objectives:  Familiarize myself with types of evidence

-Write down homework in planners
-Complete the assignment entitled Evidence Types via Google Classroom and in your blue smartphones packet

ALL:  Turn in any missing work (syllabus) if you haven't yet
Honors:  Complete the Survey The Text worksheet (front and back) in your yellow Honors packet

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Begin reading Article #1, Identify Claims, Identify Evidence Types

-Survey a text by identifying the author's background, reading the first and last paragraph, and making a prediction about what the article will be about.
-Identify and label claims in part one of an article.
-Identify and label different types of evidence in part 1 of the article.

-Visual Literacy via Google classroom
-Article 1: Student Version How Smartphone Addiction Is Affecting Our Physical And Mental Health 
Honors packet:
Twenge Article Honors Vocabulary F19
Twenge's Survey The Text
Honors: Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? 

All: Purchase required supplies-4 different colored highlighters
         If you didn't turn in your syllabus, turn it in ASAP
Honors: complete Vocabulary section only for Twenge Article in the Honors packet Twenge Article Honors Vocabulary F19

Monday, August 12, 2019

Do/What Chart and response to prompt

-respond to a prompt recalling Friday's 4 corners activity
-break down and understand a prompt by completing a do/what chart

-YouTube: “I Forgot My Phone” (2m):
-4 Corners Response
-Argumentative Essay and Do/What Chart
-Vocab Crossword for Article 1
-Survey the Text Article I


-Buy required supplies for Humanities (see syllabus)
-Finish Vocabulary Crossword in the blue packet
-Finish the Survey the Text Article I in the blue packet

Friday, August 9, 2019

Humanities I Digital Challenge and 4 Corners Activity

-join a Google Classroom and participate in a Digital Challenge
-participate in a four corners activity, provide opinion on a topic, engage in a whole class

1.   Syllabus review
2. Join Google classroom and complete the Digital Challenge
3. 4 Corners pre and post writing F19
4. Four Corners
5. Getting to know my classmates

1. Honors Program Agreement (if you didn't turn it in already)
2. Buy required supplies for Humanities by Monday 8/12/19: 4 different colored highlighters,
paper, colored pencils
3. Get the syllabus signed

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Welcome to Ninth grade English!

Hello, students and parents.  Welcome to Humanities I with Mrs. Capen.  I am pleased to have you in my class this term and hope that you utilize this blog to keep you up to date on what is happening in class and what the daily homework will be.

About me:  I am a San Diego native, raised in the Skyline/Paradise Hills neighborhood and attended Will C. Crawford High School.  I received my Bachelor's degree from San Diego State University, spent a year at CSU San Marcos for my teaching credential, and followed that up with a Master's degree in Teaching and Learning from Point Loma Nazarene University.  This will be my 16th year teaching at Steele Canyon.  When I'm not in the classroom, I am busily raising my two sons, a sixth-grader and an eighth-grader at Hillsdale Middle with my wonderful husband, a classically trained chef.

Your job: Please familiarize yourself with this blog and parents: make sure to fill out and submit the Parent Contact Info via the link under the Need to know items.  This assignment is worth 10 points. Also, to receive daily reminders, enter your email.

I am looking forward to this term.  The most efficient way to contact me would be via e-mail at Rah Rah Cougars!

1.  Read over the Honors Program agreement, if you'd like to pursue Honors, please sign and date and return this form ASAP.

2.  Fill out and submit the Parent Contact Info on this blog.

3.  Purchase required materials (see syllabus):  A planner to write down homework assignments and daily agenda, 4 different colored highlighters, colored pencils, paper, a three-ring binder, etc.

Assignments for the week of April 13-April 17-Distance Learning

I sent the following message via google Classroom: Hello everyone!  I'm hoping all of you and your loved ones are doing well and stayi...