
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Finish 42

  • Collect evidence for your paragraph by writing it on your evidence collector.
  • Watch the film "42" and take notes on examples of injustices that people faced and how each person persevered through the injustice.
Watch "42" and take notes on injustice and perseverance

Honors: Complete Letter to Apple Letter Prompt assignment, typed, printed out, due Thursday, Feb 1st.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Essay Revisions and 42

  • Collect evidence for your paragraph by writing it on your evidence collector.
  • Watch the film "42" and take notes on examples of injustices that people faced and how each person persevered through the injustice.
-Intro unit essay revisions-Watch "42" and take notes on injustice and perseverance

Honors: Complete Letter to Apple assignment, typed, printed out, due Thursday, Feb 1st.

Friday, January 26, 2018

First "Essay" (actually a main claim and one body paragraph)

-Construct an original main claim and paragraph utilizing classroom notes
-Respond to a prompt regarding articles 

-Share and vote on essay diagram
-Write a main claim and paragraph responding to the prompt: Are smartphones destroying your generation?
Peer edit
-Revise your "Essay" based on the peer edit and turn it in via Google Classroom

Honors:  Complete the letter to Apple, due Thursday 2/1/18

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Notes on parts of a paragraph for the essay

Take notes on the varying parts of a paragraph to prepare for writing the first essay/paragraph

Block 2:  Finish collecting evidence

College Prep and Honors:  Finish essay diagram Directions for essay diagram , due tomorrow

Honors only:  Using both Ben Popken's article and  Open Letter From JANA Partners And CALSTRS To Apple INC., fill in Honors Evidence Collector

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

New article: No, Smartphones are Not Destroying a Generation

-Survey a text by identifying the author's background, reading the first and last paragraph, and making a prediction about what the article will be about.
-Identify and label claims in an article.
-Identify and label different types of evidence in the article.


Surveying the text No, Smartphones are Not Destroying a Generation
Student Version: No, Smartphones are Not Destroying a Generation
If there's time, begin collecting evidence on to the evidence collector worksheet

-College Prep-No homework (unless you're in block 2, see below)
-Honors only identify Claims and Types of evidence (Highlight organizations/people in green and highlight evidence in yellow) and the arguments (highlight in pink) in Honors article in yellow packet

-Block 2 only: See you at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. Bring earbuds or headphones. Leave your phones at home. Absolutely NO CELL PHONES ALLOWED in class tomorrow. Bring a book or magazine to read.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Surveying the text No, Smartphones are Not Destroying a Generation

-Survey a text by identifying the author's background, reading the first and last paragraph, and making a prediction about what the article will be about.
-Identify and label claims in an article.
-Identify and label different types of evidence in the article.


Surveying the text No, Smartphones are Not Destroying a Generation
Student Version: No, Smartphones are Not Destroying a Generation
If there's time, begin collecting evidence on to the evidence collector worksheet

-Honors only identify types of evidence (Highlight organizations/people in green and highlight evidence in yellow) and the arguments (highlight in pink) in Honors article in yellow packet

Evidence Sentence notes, new vocabulary

Objectives for the Board:
-Practice writing Evidence Sentences in preparation for the essay
-Define new vocabulary for a new article

Choose two pieces of evidence you collected and write them as an ES.
Smartphone Vocabulary:“No, Smartphones are Not Destroying a Generation”

College Prep-No homework tonight

Friday, January 19, 2018

Wrap up identifying evidence in article and begin collecting evidence

-Write sentences for vocabulary words in section 3 of the article.
Identify and label claims in section  3 of an article.
-Identify and label different types of evidence in section 3 of the article.

-Identify types of evidence in pairs for paragraphs 31-42
-Identify claims in paragraphs 32, 35, and 38
-Students work on Evidence Collector for the Twenge article, collect 4 pieces of evidence that you intend to use in your essay
-Turn in your blue packet, but keep your Evidence Collector

Honors student:  Complete Honors Vocabulary section II in the yellow packet

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Continue annotating and identifying evidence types in the article

-Write sentences for vocabulary words in section 3 of the article.
Identify and label claims in section  3 of an article.
-Identify and label different types of evidence in section 3 of the article.

-Check sections I and II Evidence types
-Complete Section III vocabulary
-Begin section III Annotation, paragraphs 21-30.
-Group work: Identify Claims, Evidence types in paragraphs 21-30.
-Begin annotation of paragraphs 31-42

Everyone: Finish annotating paragraphs 31-42
Honors only:  Honors Vocabulary Assign section I only

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Annotation of article and identification of evidence types

-Write sentences for vocabulary words in section 2 of the article.
-Identify and label claims in section  2 of an article.
-Identify and label different types of evidence in section 2 of the article.

-Check and stamp section 1 Smartphone Vocabulary
-Complete section 2-Smartphone Vocabulary
-Read and annotate sections I and II of article
-Teach Types Evidence Claim and Evidence Types
-identify evidence in sections 1 and 2

Finish identifying evidence in sections 1 and 2

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Prompt breakdown, Claim and Evidence Types, section 1 of Smartphone Vocabulary

-break down and understand a prompt by completing a do/what chart
-Survey a text by identifying the author's background, reading the first and last paragraph, and making a prediction about what the article will be about.
-Write sentences for vocabulary words in part 1 of the article.
-Identify and label claims in part one of an article.
-Identify and label different types of evidence in part 1 of the article.

-Understand a writing Prompt by completing a Do/What chart
-Survey the Text Google Classroom Surveying the text Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? S18
-Complete Section 1 only of Smartphone Vocabulary

Finish Section 1 only of Smartphone Vocabulary

Friday, January 12, 2018

“I Forgot My Phone” & Appointment Clock setup

-respond to a survey via Google forms
-participate in a team building activity

Watch YouTube: “I Forgot My Phone” (2m):
Fill out the survey on Google Classroom 
Appointment Clock Set-up
Finish Who I am worksheet
Team Building: Red Solo Cup Activity


-Buy required supplies for Humanities this weekend: 4 different colored highlighters, colored pencils, paper, binder

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Humanities I Digital Challenge and Four Corners

-demonstrate my knowledge about the Humanities I course via a short quiz
-join a Google Classroom and participate in a Digital Challenge
-participate in a four corners activity, provide opinion on a topic, engage in a whole class discussion

1. Write down homework
2. Join Google classroom and complete the Digital Challenge
3. Four Corners and the Four Corners Response
4.  Syllabus review

1. Honors Program Agreement (if you didn't turn it in already)
2. Buy required supplies for Humanities by Tuesday 1/16/18: 4 different colored highlighters,
paper, colored pencils

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Welcome to ninth grade English with Mrs. Capen

Hello, students and parents.  Welcome to Humanities I with Mrs. Capen.  I am pleased to have you in my class this term and hope that you utilize this blog to keep you up to date on what is happening in class and what the daily homework will be.

About me:  I am a San Diego native, raised in the Skyline/Paradise Hills neighborhood but attended Will C. Crawford High School.  I received my Bachelor's degree from San Diego State University, spent a year at CSU San Marcos for my teaching credential, and followed that up with a Master's degree from Point Loma Nazarene University.  This will be my 14th year teaching at Steele Canyon.  When I'm not in the classroom, I am busily raising my two sons, a sixth grader at Hillsdale Middle and a fourth grader at Avocado Elementary with my wonderful husband, a classically trained chef.

Your job: Please familiarize yourself with this blog and parents: make sure to fill out and submit the Parent Contact Info via the link under the Need to know items.  This assignment is worth 10 points. Also, to receive daily reminders, enter your email.

I am looking forward to this term.  Rah Rah Cougars!

1.  Read over the Honors Program agreement, if you'd like to pursue Honors, please sign and date and return this form tomorrow.

2.  Fill out and submit the Parent Contact Info on this blog.

3.  Purchase required materials (see syllabus):  4 different colored highlighters, colored pencils, paper, a three-ring binder, etc.

Assignments for the week of April 13-April 17-Distance Learning

I sent the following message via google Classroom: Hello everyone!  I'm hoping all of you and your loved ones are doing well and stayi...