
Friday, August 17, 2018

Finish annotating first article, "Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?" and continue to gather evidence

-Identify and label claims in section  3 of an article.
-Identify and label different types of evidence in section 3 of the article.

-Finish annotating the article, "Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?"
-Continue to gather additional evidence onto the Evidence Collector-add two more pieces of evidence
-Begin new vocab for the second article “No, Smartphones are Not Destroying a Generation”
-Honors packet: “Apple Investors Urge Action On -iPhone Addiction Among Kids” Cover sheet, Honors Vocabulary, Survey the Text, Article. Honors students work on vocabulary in this packet only. Do not complete the other assignments until next week.

Honors Vocabulary:  Define ALL words in sections 1 and 2, write a sentence using the word, and draw an image or symbol for the word, due Monday.

All: Finish new vocabulary for the second article, “No, smartphones are not destroying a generation”

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